Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Barbie eye part 2

I let my Blog Died again...
oh no...=.=''

Stupid me..

well guysss...

I remember about the last blog..i say gona take many photo when use barbie eye lense..


done already..

I look so cuutee use this lense..

check it out..

hohoh..CLose UP....I use the violet ones....
but can't even see the colour..ryt ??

I try use some make up..like japanese gyaru..but just use eyeliner and Maskara..
din't use any fake eyelish..
because my eye big in originaly..more easy ..

Cuuutee posee..
wkwkwkwkwk...I use this photo in my Profil pic Picture in Fb..
and got alot of people add me ..=P..
thats why,,i gona tell you guyss..
people just see the face and body...if you'r PP ugly..no one gona add you..
but if you'r photo like an Japanese girls..
guess what ??..huge of people will add you.
" don't jugde book by the cover "
Means " don't buy book if the cover is bad "

hehehe..all photo above is taken by My Blacberry phone.. ^o^....i lovee my Blackberry even sometimes still sloww...=.='

This the other photo...taken by Webcam camera....
when im bored...hahahah..stupid pose of corz...=.='
crazyy me...
take a look guyss..

This is my SLR camera..
lovee <3<3 it so much... ^^

sleeping beauty...gagaggagh....^0^

The Last one...dun know how to ekspress...
so yeaah..like this...
crazzy girls...
wtv la....=.='


okok...FINISH for nowww....
see yaaaaa.....



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